Marian’s highly anticipated debut album is finally here!

The Lord Reigns: Songs & Hymns To Live By
Christian recording artist Marian Mihas creates her own niche of praise and worship music by singing while playing the concert grand harp.
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Announcing The Launch Of NEW Site, Newsletter, Facebook Musician Page, CD Purchase, and CD Give Away Week!!!
It’s great to announce just a few things that I’ve been working on! Starting today, you can enjoy my NEW Site sign up of for my NEW Newsletter visit and like my NEW Facebook Musician Page take part in my CD Give Away Week watch a Video from my concert on Twitter and My Personal Facebook Page! For those of you who are interested, you can also purchase my CD in two formats: a digital download or the physical album. The cost is $10.00 and it is paid fast and easy through PayPal. Thank you for supporting my music and may the Lord richly bless you!... read morePraise the Lord
I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the LORD; let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together!–Psalm 34:1-3 The book of Psalms is one of my favorite books in the Bible. It is full of praise to God and how that is so important in the life of a Christian. The opening verses of Psalm 34 remind me to make praise a priority. No matter the time of day, I should be praising God. It should be a natural response to anything that’s going on in my life. Whenever I sing songs of praise and worship, I’ve discovered that it changes my thinking and mindset. It gets me to focus on God and how He knows everything and has a perfect plan. In a culture obsessed with self, more gadgets and endless social media, I can choose to boast in the eternal God and His greatness. I can find an inner joy and peace in Christ that far surpasses the surface happiness that is promoted in secular music and movies. While individual praise is critical for walking with Christ daily, it is also very important to do this with other believers on a regular basis. The best time is during congregational singing every Sunday in church. Singing with others before the sermon starts prepares my heart to hear the message. It allows us all to affirm aloud what I know in my heart: that God is good, kind and loving and that He deserves my... read moreSolid as a Rock
The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. –Psalm 18:2 Technology is continually changing at an alarming speed. There is so much new information out there on the Internet that it’s hard to keep up with it. What was current and up to date one day is quickly out of date and replaced the next. That’s why this verse from Psalm 18 is so encouraging because it proclaims that God is constant and never changing. In a world where everything is so transient, this verse reminds me what lasts. I know that I can depend on the Lord who is my Rock. I can run to God and find complete security in Him. When I call on His name, there’s deliverance. He is my shield and protection from all harm. I can raise my voice and put my trust in His salvation and know that is He is strong and reliable. It is great to be able to put my hope in the Eternal God who has never changed! He is worthy of my highest praise! A prayer For today: Gracious Father in Heaven: I pray to You knowing that you hear me. I can keep a quiet heart because you are constant and true in the midst of a world full of upheaval and unrest. Teach me to build my life upon your solid Rock. No matter the storm, I can find my refuge in your great power and strength. In Jesus’ name I ask these things – Amen.... read moreBooking Marian
For all booking requests and inquiries, please fill out the form on the Booking page.