Marian’s highly anticipated debut album is finally here!

The Lord Reigns: Songs & Hymns To Live By
Christian recording artist Marian Mihas creates her own niche of praise and worship music by singing while playing the concert grand harp.
Recent Blog Posts
Power Walking and Waiting
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings as eagles; They shall run, and not be weary; And they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 There’s a lady at the park that gives new meaning to the concept of, “power walking.” She swings her arms and puts her whole self into each step. She seems to walk circles around me. For every lap I do, it seems like she manages to go around three times faster! Now that’s the kind of energy I need! God promises an endless supply if we will but wait. Isn’t that counterintuitive? You mean..just do nothing and expect things to change? And yet in God’s advanced arithmetic courses, He seems to abide by an entirely different set of addition rules. His formula goes something like this: waiting + nothing else = more strength If you sit back and think about it, the Lord isn’t asking anything hard from me. He simple wants me to do nothing at all. He wants me to let go. He wants me to let Him work things out as He sees best. He wants me to trust. I, on the other hand, just love to control things. I love to be in charge. I want to make things happen. I know how to manipulate things and get results and I will try my best to do that. And when I do, I get tired. I need a break. I can’t keep on walking anymore. How wonderful it will be when I finally learn to let the Lord take over.... read moreLearning How To Walk
Teach me Your way, O LORD; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name.–Psalm 86:11 On February 1st, I decided to start a walking program. I made a commitment to walk every day for 30 minutes. After about three weeks, I found that I enjoyed it so much that half an hour was not enough. Before long, I decided to increase it to 3 miles a day…before work! And then, I decided to double that and go for another hour after school. I was now up to 6 miles a day–way beyond my first goal! I learned so many lessons along the way. One of the first was that when I started out, I didn’t know if I’d be able to stick to my daily schedule. I just didn’t know if I could really do it. I had great intentions but I had no way of knowing for sure if it would last. Would I lose my motivation? Would I quit when it got tough? Would I skip days whenever it was convenient? This taught me that even though I had started on the right path, I’d have to keep on recommitting every single day in order to follow through on my new walking routine. There were so many days that I just wanted to give up. I found that I wanted to say, “I’ve had enough.” It would have been so easy to slip into my, “old,” way of doing things. But I had made a commitment. I was going to stick to it no matter what! And this parallels precisely with what God asks... read moreSay it Loud and Strong
God’s word changes lives and transforms people. As you read through it, every page is full of the wisdom of God, which is the opposite of man’s advice. The world will try to convince you that somehow based on trying harder, you can somehow help yourself. The Bible, however, directs us to our heavenly Father as our source–the only One we need to rely on. It’s not about ourselves. Instead, it’s the exact opposite. We need to die to self and completely depend on God. When that happens, we will begin to grow in new ways. We will begin to experience a deeper walk with God. Being timid and lacking zeal will be replaced with a fresh, new boldness. The power of the Holy Spirit will enable you to proclaim this amazing news without apologies. When you begin to allow the Lord to guide you, great things happen! You will see change in your own life and then you can’t help but share that with others. And so that’s why it’s called the good news! It’s good news because it changed you. It’s even better news because it can also change others. The Gospel is something that you want to spread to everyone you know in every way you can. We need to share it with our friends, neighbors, coworkers, acquaintances–even strangers! We need to pray and ask that the Holy Spirit will lead us to people who are searching for the truth. When we are intentional about witnessing, God opens doors so we can step out in boldness. May the Lord prepare you and me and lead us to those divine moments in our day... read moreBooking Marian
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