Marian’s highly anticipated debut album is finally here!

The Lord Reigns: Songs & Hymns To Live By
Christian recording artist Marian Mihas creates her own niche of praise and worship music by singing while playing the concert grand harp.
Recent Blog Posts
Being In The Spotlight
The Pensacola Christian College spotlight reminded me that being in the spotlight is what I do. People know that I get in front of an audience. I perform. That’s basically it in a nutshell. There’s however an important spiritual component to being a Christian musician that’s deeper than this update story and my CD. It goes beyond the lessons I was blessed to learn at PCC. It’s not some secret to being successful that I learned during a lesson. Rather, it’s something that I’ve learned very slowly over the past twenty years since graduating. I’ve learned that in order to have a fruitful life as a Christian, I have to make an effort to have a daily quiet place and time. I have to be serious about cultivating the basic disciplines of prayer, reading God’s word, and being a part of Bible-believing church. While there are more, these are the three bare essentials. If I let one of them go, I begin to see tell-tale signs that my spiritual health is faltering. I need to maintain a close walk with God or I’m not ready for the spotlight. Of course, I can go through the motions, but my performance will lack that power that only the Holy Spirit can grant. I need that power–and I desperately crave it all the time. I’ve learned the hard way that I can’t survive on a diet of Christian “lite” snacks–a quick prayer, a verse on-the-go, and a church service here and there whenever I sort of feel like it. I desire a full and rich relationship with my Lord and Savior. It’s... read moreWatch Where You’re Going
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.–Ephesians 5:15-16 There are so many people on their phones that most of the time they’re clueless to their surroundings. Whether crossing a street or driving on it, pedestrians and drivers seem to have their eyes glued to their phones. They are in their own little world hardly noticing the “real” world that they’re really part of at that moment. The Bible calls us to a life of discernment. It warns us that it’s very easy to be foolish and just go with the flow. It takes effort to truly pay attention to every step we take. The way we begin this is by considering how we use our time. The world expects us to be frivolous in what we occupy our eyes and hearts with. The message is that fun is the most important and a good laugh is all that counts. There’s nothing wrong with having a good time and enjoying a good joke. Of course, we need to have balance in our lives, but wasting the hours away with non-stop entertainment is not the way to spend your precious life. We have a call to use our time in the best way possible–striving to bring glory God and to lay up treasure in heaven. Every single day I’m bombard with messages via the media for any kind of evil imaginable. When I am grounded in God’s word, then I can walk in God’s wisdom–not in the philosophy of this world. Building upon a firm foundation... read moreWalking Worthy
Walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory.–I Thessalonians 2:12 When someone fails to live up to their name, they hang their head low. They’re disappointed not only in what they did, but also for not reaching for that higher standard in their lives. A committed follower of Christ also has a name to protect. That believer has a calling from God to live their entire lives in such a way that honors God. When there’s a summons from the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, we must be willing to follow His example. Father God: I pray that my life–every choice I make–brings You glory. I ask You to help me walk so I can reflect You. May I have your meekness, humility, and grace. May I always be worthy of the name, “Christian,” in everything I say and do.... read moreBooking Marian
For all booking requests and inquiries, please fill out the form on the Booking page.