Marian’s highly anticipated debut album is finally here!

The Lord Reigns: Songs & Hymns To Live By
Christian recording artist Marian Mihas creates her own niche of praise and worship music by singing while playing the concert grand harp.
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Just Ask For Whatever You Want
“Give me wisdom and knowledge.”–II Chronicles 1:10 When it comes to presents, most of us know exactly what we want. We don’t have to think about it too much. One day, the Lord gave Solomon a blank check-of-sorts. He basically said, “Go ahead and ask for anything your heart desires.” But Solomon did not share might be considered a typical, “Kingly” kind-of-list…you know, like money or that all his enemies would be put to death. He knew what he wanted more than anything else. He had his priorities straight and they reflect a heart that was seeking God above anything material or vain. He wanted wisdom! The Lord loved this request! Why He loved it so much that He couldn’t help Himself…and He even blessed him with what he didn’t ask for–like wealth and long life and so much more. We serve a Lord who is more than generous to His children than we can imagine or deserve. Father God: Like Solomon, I ask for wisdom and knowledge. When You guide me through the truth of Your word, I will have Your wisdom that far surpasses anything the world offers. Your knowledge gives a sure foundation I can depend on.... read moreLight Everywhere
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”–John 8:12 This radiant light seemed to overflow into my home today as the fresh fallen snow from last night had made the world brighter this morning. I opened all my curtains to enjoy every bit of this winter glow in spring! I didn’t even need to turn on any lights throughout the day because every room was basking in this light. This is the kind of brightness the Lord sheds into my life. I can follow Him and know that He will lead me. I have His light for my journey. Whether on an easy path or a rough road–whatever a day or a season of life may bring–I know that He leads me into life. And with that, He gives me His joy, peace, contentment and fruitfulness. I know for sure that Jesus will lead me all the way. Father God: I can take steps of faith when You lead the way. I can walk in Your light and learn to trust you. The worries of the present and uncertainties of the future are in Your capable hands. I know Your Word will light my footsteps. In Jesus’ Name,... read moreAll You Need Is A Good Memory
I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.–Psalm 77:11 I love looking at old pictures. I have albums of photos and can easily spend an afternoon pouring over them one by one. I seem to enjoy it even more when I look at them with my mom or aunts. Their jokes and laughter make it even more fun. The Psalmist says that he also remembers the amazing acts of God. He looks back into his part and revisits those moments where God showed up in a mighty way. This is a lesson we should never forget. Gracious Father God: I have so many wonderful memories where I can remember your presence and guidance. May I always bring to my mind how You have always been working for my good all of my... read moreBooking Marian
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