Marian’s highly anticipated debut album is finally here!

The Lord Reigns: Songs & Hymns To Live By
Christian recording artist Marian Mihas creates her own niche of praise and worship music by singing while playing the concert grand harp.
Recent Blog Posts
Making Each Day Count
So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.–Psalm 90:12 We easily count down the days to something big…like our next birthday or the day when we finally get to go on vacation. But how often do we consider that in some sense, whether we do it intentionally or not, we’re all showing how we “count” our days by how we “spend” our time? When I’m living for temporal fulfillment, then I’m not marking each day with God’s daily stamp of approval: “Time well spent for My kingdom.” When I’m frittering away the hours on short-lived, self-centered goals, then I’m not viewing this brief life through the long lens of eternity. Whenever I’m letting the moments, the minutes, and the months slip away without purposefully storing up the treasure of today’s time for heaven, then I need to seriously stop and ask God: “Lord, do I have a heart of wisdom?” (Even if you feel like you’re walking close to God, I believe this is a prayer we should all ask from time to time!) When we ask this, God is faithful to come and shed light into every corner of hearts. He will examine us…if we let him. And when He does, we should allow Him to change our hearts into hearts that beat just like His. He gives every sincere seeker a heart of wisdom every time we ask. A prayer for today: Gracious Father: I invite you to search out my heart and replace it with a wise heart. May I spend every day remembering that I can make it count for eternity through the wisdom of Your Word. Show me... read moreUnbelievably Good
When the moment came to finally pick up the boxes with my CD’s, I couldn’t wait! I was about to see the fruit of years of work. With a trembling hand, I opened the first box. There it was! My shiny, new CD! It seemed like I was experiencing a miracle from God right before my eyes. I couldn’t get over it! Was it actually here? Was I really holding it? It just didn’t seem real as I fought back tears of joy and gratitude. God was so unbelievably good to me! It took me a few days to get over that exhilarating moment! But I knew that I had to get back to earth as soon as possible–and return to my usual practice routine. I had less than three weeks til the CD release date and there was so much to do. April 25th finally dawned and I remember spending most of the day warming up. As I tuned the last string, I remember thinking, “This is the day I’ve been praying for for so long. I just can’t believe it’s finally arrived! Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayers!” Once again, I felt overwhelmed at God’s kindness and love. There was no way I could fight back the tears. I’ve made it a practice to be intentional about remembering moments and days in my walk with God. When I pause to remember, I can clearly see a gracious Father that ordered my every step. He had a perfect plan in place. He was not taken by surprise about anything. All the blessings of this life come from His hand. His grace is undeserved. His mercy unending. His love... read moreA Heart After God
My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the LORD; my heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God.–Psalm 84:2 The psalmist has this beautiful passion to be in God’s presence. It is where he is the most blessed and so he can wait to be once again worship His Lord. It is something that he wants more than anything else. His salvation is so precious to him that he yearns for that hour and minute when he will be again in devotion before God. He anticipates the moment when he will feel gladness and have songs of praise to the Almighty God. Father God: Create this kind of heart in me that seeks you above other pursuits. Birth within my heart a single-minded devotion to You. May revival sweep over my life so that joy of the Holy Spirit abounds in everything that I say and do. In Jesus’s name,... read moreBooking Marian
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