Light Everywhere

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Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world.

Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”–John 8:12

This radiant light seemed to overflow into my home today as the fresh fallen snow from last night had made the world brighter this morning. I opened all my curtains to enjoy every bit of this winter glow in spring! I didn’t even need to turn on any lights throughout the day because every room was basking in this light.

This is the kind of  brightness the Lord sheds into my life. I can follow Him and know that He will lead me. I have His light for my journey.  Whether on an easy path or a rough road–whatever a day or a season of life may bring–I know that He leads me into life. And with that, He gives me His joy, peace, contentment and fruitfulness.  I know for sure that Jesus will lead me all the way.

Father God:  I can take steps of faith when You lead the way. I can walk in Your light and learn to trust you. The worries of the present and uncertainties of the future are in Your capable hands. I know Your Word will light my footsteps. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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