Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved.–Psalm 55:22
Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved.–Psalm 55:22
This verse is so powerful because it is the answer to positive thinking and the “let it go” Disney philosophy of our day. The psalmist says that I don’t have to think optimistically about something or try to find solutions to all problems or even just to forget about it. The wisest choice I can make is to instead place my burden–that means all my worries, cares, concerns, problems–in the hands of the Lord. He promises that He will carry that load. He assures me that He will see me through any trial.
He then goes on to say that not only will He sustain me and be with me through that trial, but that the Lord will also not allow that trial to shake me in any way. It doesn’t matter the kind of storm I face when my life is built upon the rock of my salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ. His loving arms are eternal and never changing and His promises are true. I can always count on the Lord.
This is also a reminder that I need to make sure I’m investing my time, talent, and resources in things that are lasting. If I build my house on sand, then I will not be able to withstand the difficult days because it will all wash away in a moment. The righteous build on things of lasting importance that will have value in eternity.
A prayer for today:
Gracious Father in Heaven: I put my hope in You and leave my burdens in Your strong and capable hands. I can trust You to see me through and hold me up. I can stand firm in Your mercy and grace regardless of the surrounding storm clouds. Teach me to sow seeds that have eternal value and not on things that are temporary and vain. Give me Your strength and courage to make choices that will affect eternity. For I ask these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.